The fine print

Team STAATS makes every effort to make all reservations and payments correctly and to make guests feel at home during their stay. Generally works well and any issues are resolved within good consultation.

Nevertheless we find it important to declare that our terms and conditions apply to all our supplies and services. These are based on the Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH) drawn up by Koninklijke Horeca Nederland (Dutch Associaton for Hospitality). We have removed or amended the articles of the UVH that do not apply to our services in such a way that they correspond to our working method.


In addition, we use a modest House Regulation, which is the following:


  • The Front Office staff can be reached during the day on + 31- (0) 23-2001234
  • We receive our guests for check-in from 3 pm to 11 pm
  • If desired, baggage can be deposited earlier
  • Early or late check-in is only possible after consultation and at additionall costs
  • We request that the guests check out in time, no later than 11.00 am Late check-out in consultation and at additional costs
  • If desired, luggage can be kept in custody after check-out
  • Breakfast is served Monday to Friday 7,30am - 10.30 am, Saturday and Sunday 8 am - 10.30 am
  • It is not allowed to bring food from breakfast.
  • Please return found items to the FrontBar, we make every effort to trace and inform the rightful owner
  • For the peace of our guests and neighbors, we request our guests and visitors to keep the peace before 08:00 and after 22:00 and to prevent noise nuisance.


  • In case of fire, danger or need for medical care, our; Front Office Staff is available 24 hours a day
  • In case of fire: Stay calm and Stock up on the nearest manual call point or report to the Front Office
  • In case of fire alarm: Stay calm and leave the building according to the route indicated on the escape route indication
  • The entire hotel is non-smoking
  • In case of violation, at least € 250 cleaning costs will be charged
  • Use of candles is not allowed
  • Improper use of extinguishing agents or improper activation of the fire alarm is not permitted. Any consequential damage will be charged to the perpetrator or the booker of the room.
  • It is not allowed to use emergency exits as regular entrances and exits.

Do's and Dont's

  • Wireless internet is freely available in the hotel. You are not allowed to visit pornographic, anti-democratic or other websites prohibited by law.
  • Pets are only allowed in consultation, in case of violation at least € 250 cleaning costs will be charged
  • Alcohol abuse, trafficking and use of (soft) drugs, narcotics or laughing gas is not allowed.
  • Prostitution is not allowed
  • It is not allowed to stay in the room with more than the number of people reserved
  • In the event of damage to the room, to the inventory or in the event of theft of hotel property, the costs will be charged to the perpetrator or the booker of the room.
  • We expect from our guests to treat our employees with respect. Unwanted intimacies and / or harassment will not be tolerated.


  • The management is not liable for missing, lost or damaged personal belongings of guests and visitors.
  • The management, owner and / or employees cannot be held liable for any injury and / or material or immaterial damage to guests or visitors
  • We respect the privacy of our guests and visitors. However, for the sake of safety and compliance with the house rules, we reserve the right to enter the room.
  • In case of serious violations of the house rules, access to the property can be denied and we report to the police.